Best christian fiction audiobooks this list is a collaborative attempt to identify some of the best audiobooks within the christian fiction genre. Here are 50 fantastic christian audiobooks for your listening pleasure. Why atheists need god to make their case audiobook by frank turek. I dont have enough faith to be an atheist by norman geisler, frank. Find christianaudio produced audiobooks in fiction, christian living, and more. The christian audiobook download is available only during that month. The acts and monuments of the church john foxe audio reading.
The life of christ is presented as the highest study possible to a mortal, as jesus teachings far excel all the teachings of the saints. On account of the superficial points of agreement between islam and christianity, many dont see how tremendously deep the divides between them really are, and fewer still have considered the evidence for each faith. They are making the audio and a pdf of the book available free of charge. Having just read the case for christ by lee strobel, i found this to be much the same. Institutes of the christian religion is john calvins seminal work on protestant systematic theology. Jun 30, 20 institutes of the christian religion audiobook by john calvin 15091564 translated by henry beveridge. Free downloads on christianaudio christian audiobooks. Tozer, unashamed by lecrae moore, youre already amazing. Audiobook by paul copan, narrated by claton butcher. A womans battle plan to serious, specific, and strategic prayer by priscilla shirer.
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Disproving christianity and other secular writings and millions of other books are available for instant access. Investigation of the evidence for jesus mp3 cd audiobook, mp3 audio, unabridged. Religious fundamentalists and biblical literalists present any number of. I dont have enough faith to be an atheist audiobook written by norman geisler, frank turek.
Listen to protestant christianity audiobook by dale a. The folks at have just completed an audio version of j. Disproving christianity and other secular writings 2nd edition, revised audible audio edition. Audible provides the highest quality audio and narration. Refuting critics such as richard dawkins, sam harris, and the new athei. Audiobooks have risen in popularity because our phones have brought books to our free time whether in the car commuting or listening in the background. Richard dawkins, richard dawkins, lalla ward, random house audiobooks. Religious fundamentalists and biblical literalists present any number of arguments that attempt to disprove evolution. Christianity goes back to the origins of the hebrew bible and encompasses the globe. The success of the church in carrying the gospel from jerusalem to rome and in planting local churches across the roman empire demonstrated that christianity was not a merely human work. Not only do i believe that it is possible to maintain moral standards without the crutch of religion but i would argue that it is the only way to achieve true goodness.
Why science does not disprove god audiobook amir aczel. A history of christianity a history of christianity audiobook, by paul johnson. As an urgently needed counter to this triedandtrue tradition of,cafee evangelism, this audiobook offers the firstever guide not for talking people into faith but for talking them out of it. The book is framed through my dads personal journey attempting to disprove christianity, as well. Lee starts out to disprove the bible and history of jesus and who he was. Seven book recommendations for giving to nonchristians. Institutes of the christian religion audiobook free audio books.
Weaving a great range of material, the scholar and author johnson creates an ambitious panoramic overview of the evolution of the. Read foundational falsehoods of creationism by aron ra available from rakuten kobo. To depict the triumph of christianity in the face of bitter persecution. Lewis you can find this audio book is separated into individual chapters on my i am abled channel also. Francis spuffords unapologetic is a wonderfully pugnacious defense of christianity. The imitation of christ audiobook by thomas a kempis 80. Free christianity audio books, mp3 downloads, and videos.
Please nominate and vote for your favorite christian fiction audiobooks that feature both a great story and a great narration. This first audio volume covers topics such as the nature of god, jesus, the ten commandments, faith, and good works. Aug 14, 2019 posts about disproving christianity written by davidgmcafee. Listen to thousands of best sellers and new releases on your iphone, ipad, or android. Foundational falsehoods of creationism ebook by aron ra. Its just an odd sort of book to make into a audiobook, given how niche and technical the subject matter is. Its available in 11 mp3 files and runs 5 hours 44 minutes and 36 seconds.
For over 10 years has been providing topquality christian audiobooks and audiobibles. For over 10 years has been providing topquality christian audiobooks and audio bibles. Would you consider the audio edition of why science does not disprove god to be. Aug 01, 2006 i dont have enough faith to be an atheist audiobook written by norman geisler, frank turek. Aug 21, 2019 disproving christianity the skeptical writings of david g. I dont have enough faith to be an atheist by norman geisler. J warner wallace takes a similar approach to lee strobel in answering questions around the bible story. Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Belief in an age of skepticism and may be addressed during the evening are as follows. Christian audio books listen free online bible study tools. Mere christianity by c s lewis complete audio book read by. If there is a creatorgod, it has used methods of creation that are indistinguishable from nature, it has declined to make itself. I have been a christian for over 40 years and i found this book to be a. Using a phenomenological approach to build his case based on indepth study at the university of california, santa barbara mcafee analyzes the hebrew scriptures and new testament doctrine to build a logical and reasonable case against their validity. Leading apologetics writer with a proven track record tackles the most difficult old testament passages and topics, helping listeners to reconcile the god of righteousness with the god of love. Find different genres of christian and classic fiction, from suspense, amish, historical, and more. Christianity christianity audiobook, by diarmaid macculloch. Refuting the worlds most followed religion mcafee, david g. The intention of this work is to provide a sketch of the history of the church in the first six centuries of its existence, resting throughout on original authorities, and also giving references to the principal modern works which have dealt specially with its several portions. Issues that tim keller addresses in his book, the reason for god. A former muslim investigates the evidence for islam and christianity.
Buy disproving christianity and other secular writings 2nd revised edition by mcafee, david g isbn. The imitation of christ is widely considered one of the greatest manuals of devotion in christianity. Disproving christianity and other secular writings 2nd edition, revised cover. Librivox recording of history of the christian church during the first six centuries, by samuel cheetham. Gresham machens classic work christianity and liberalism. Is there credible evidence that jesus of nazareth really is the son of god. An odd choice for the audiobook treatment as a key for understanding second peter and an illuminating case for a first century coming of christ in the destruction of the temple, the book is excellent. Disproving christianity and other secular writings compiles popular and lesserknown arguments against the principles established by the christian canon. Find audio bibles, christian audiobooks, fiction audio, and more in audio book and mp3 format. Richard carrier gives a lecture at cfi calgary about how science and history can be used to easily disprove religion of any kind, but with special attention paid to christianity. It captures the major turning points in catholic, protestant, and orthodox history and fills in oftenneglected. Eusebius presents the history of the church from the apostles to his own time, with special regard to the following points.
Disproving christianity and other secular writings 2nd. Using a phenomenological approach to build his case based on indepth study at the university of california, santa barbara mcafee analyzes the hebrew scriptures and new testament doctrine to. Christianity debunked using science and history carrier. Disproving christianity and other secular writings. Listen to the best theology audiobooks rakuten kobo. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Free audio books in genre religion that you can download in mp3, ipod and itunes format for your portable audio player.